Yoga (online)

Online (via ZOOM)



7:00 - 8:15am  (with Alma in English) 

10 eur / single class

5*10 eur (10 times card)

Sunrise, when the nature is filled with 'sattvic' energy, is a very auspicious time for the practice of yoga.

Start the day with 1h15min a yoga session, which consists of:

invocation & pranayama (yogic breathing)

warm-up & a complete sequence of asanas

final relaxation, meditation

The practice includes options for various levels of students, including  some more challenging variations of asanas to choose from.

*Sudarshan Kriya practice is open to anybody who has done Breath and Meditation workshop (formerly Happiness Program by the Art of Living Foundation). You can join for both yoga & kriya, or for kriya practice only.

You will receive ZOOM link after registration.

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Individual Yoga sessions

(time agreed individually)

starting from 25 eur

Private  yoga sessions are structured around individual needs / goals of a student. 

While group sessions bring powerful benefits of group energy, individual classes allow the time and space for a teacher and student to focus on more specific aspects and intentions of each student.

Auyrvedic Marma Therapy

Did you know that the ancient Auyrvedic marma therapy (over 5000 years old!) helps to maintain the wellbeing by promoting energy (prana) flow through gentle pressure on the points (marma) that store our energy? 

It can remove blockages and balance our energy, balance doshas (imbalances in 5 elements), improve our awaness, clam the emotions, stabilise the mind, reduce stress, relax, revitalise and so much more. 

Read more about Marma HERE

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Marma has multiple effects on Physical, Mental and Spiritual levels:

  • Balancing and improved energy flow, removing blockages
  • Balancing doshas (imbalances in 5 elements)
  • Clearing emotions
  • Stabilising, calming the mind
  • Balancing the gunas (mind qualities, such as inertia, aggitation, restlessness)
  • Improving inner awareness
  • Improving physical stability
  • Relaxing
  • Releaving stress
  • Reducing pain in the body, joints
  • Revitalising organs
  • Detoxification
  • and more...

What Happens During Marma?

In Marma therapy, a very light stimulation of marma points on the body is done. 

Marma points, when gently pressed on the skin can stimulate a chain of positive events.

The therapy is done lying down on a massage table (with clothes on) and takes approximately 1 hour.

(formerly Happiness Program)

 AoL Meditation and Breath Workshop (formerly Happiness Program) in *Brussels*!

3 days / 3 hours per day

FRI: 19:00 - 22:00

SAT, SUN: 14:00 - 17:30

Venue: Avenue de Tervueren 81 (Brussels)


Being able to manage your mind and negative emotions is an art of living.

In the Workshop you will learn the techniques applicable to everyday life based on the ancient knowledge of breathing, meditation and yoga.

- reduce the level of anxiety, depression, or fear;

- balance the emotions and learn to perceive the events happening around you peacefully

- harmonise the body rythms and strengthen your immune system.


The basis of the workshop is a set of breathing exercises, including a unique breathing and meditation technique Sudarshan Kriya. This technique has established itself in more than 180 countries globally as an effective means of combating stress, strengthening immunity and maintaining health.


Light stretching exercises that you can do every day to tone your body and calm your mind.


The more tension we experience, the more important deep relaxation is. Unfortunately, there is not always time to get a good night's sleep and rest. Being able to meditate will calm your mind and allow you to focus on your daily tasks.


You will be able to notice how thoughts and emotions affect your overall well-being. By gaining knowledge about the sources of stress, you will improve the quality of your daily life.

Chek out the recent article on Times about Sudarshan Kriya: 

Sri Sri Yoga Foundation program

Dates [tbd]

4-days, 2 hours per day

Th-Fr: 7-9pm

Sat-Sun: 10-12am


About the program:

A holistic yoga practice that will lead you into a deep relaxed state of mind and body. The formula to make your body healthy and strong and your spirit sparkling with joy is the right combination of asanas, breathing techniques and meditation – They go together. If we value all three aspects, then life becomes melodious like an orchestra. The physical excercise prepares you to go deeper in meditation and at the same time resting after the asana practice is essential to let the body settle down.

It makes an tremendous impact how you do your yoga practice. In the Foundation program you will learn how to practice along with your body, without struggling yet challenging yourself to your best potential.

︎ Combination of gentle and vigorous postures as well as dynamic exercises

︎ Powerful breathing techniques

︎ Application of yogic knowledge

︎ Simple tools for relaxation

︎ Guided meditations

︎ Yogic perspective on attaining a balanced diet

︎ Introduction to Ayurveda, the science of life

︎ Development of a personal yoga practice

Alma (EN)

Yoga has been part of my life for over 15 years and has become it’s inseparable part. I had a fortune to explore various styles of yoga and eventually became a teacher out of a calling to share it with others. I am also a practicing lawyer, graduate in Constitutional and European law. Whether on the  yoga mat or outside, yoga keeps me centered, balanced, and happy. 

I am a registered yoga teacher (RYT® 500, RYT® 200) certified by the  Sri Sri School of Yoga and  International Yoga Alliance.

Teaching  & learning yoga is an ongoing process:

- 300h TTC- Sri Sri School of Yoga, India 2020

- 200h TTC- Sri Sri School of Yoga, Europe 2019

- 200h TTC- Yoga Shala Institute, Spain/Croatia 2015

- 300h Yoga Therapy TTC, India 2020-2021

- Ayurvedic Marma Therapy (April 2023)

- AoL Meditation and Breath Workshop facilitator (2022)

- Blessings (Art of Living Ashram in Bangalore, India 2019)

- Theta healing 1 (2018)

 - Sound Therapy (2021)

- Leela - an ancient Indian Game of Self Knowledge (facilitator, 2021)


Simona (EN)

For me yoga is healing and the harmonious connection with the self and the world  around.  Being a yoga teacher, my wish is to support everyone to connect with the energy within trough the Union of our breath, body and mind. I am in constant flow and movement between the Brussels bubble and Latvian forests and the sea, where is my power place.

- 300h TTC- Sri Sri School of Yoga, India 2020

- 200h TTC- Sri Sri School of Yoga, Europe 2019

Item Link

Sound "therapy" is based on the principle of sympathetic resonance. Resonance is the vibratory rate of an object, and sympathetic resonance when one vibrating object causes another to vibrate in harmony with it. When we are unwell it is because some parts of us is not vibrating harmoniously with itself, or surroundings. Sound therapy restores the healthy frequency.

Some ways how sound vibrations can help:

- stress and anxiety relief

- improved concentration and enhanced creativity

- brain hemisphere balancing

- chakra and aura cleaning and balancing

- induction of alpha brain wave activity or deep meditation

- restoration of equilibrium in endocrine system (through vibrating the glands)

- easier access to intuition and higher consciousness

- alleviation of ailments (physical, emotional, spiritual)

"Sound therapy is a powerful method of healing your soul from stress, from depressed feelings.

 It lifted my vibrations and brought back me to the state when I can meditate again. 

Thank you for your friendly professional care attitude and help to regain the internal stability. "

(Violeta 🌸)

Individual sessions: 55 eur

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Group session: depending on a group/location




“Thank you for a beautiful morning. It is so nice to start the day with these yoga sessions.”


“It has helped me a lot with my daily Sadhana and meditation. Another positive aspect of it was that it helped me to loose my weight.”


“Really loved the Core strengthening sequence. It is fun and intense”


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